Proven Options For Total Body Wellness

Healthy Diet

We Offer a Total Body Approach to Wellness…

…through the combination of a structured diet plan, exercise (tai chi), massage and skin care resulting in the perfect formula for vibrant health..

We’ll take care of your pain and stress

If you’re seeking relief from chronic pain, and just need to relax and unwind, we have the therapy option that’s right for you.

Neuromuscular Therapy

The St. John Method/Structural Integration

Therapeutic Massage

Deep Muscle Massage

Myofascial Release


Lymphatic Techniques

Now Offering Facials!

We offer a number of options to treat your skin with the best products the earth has to offer!


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM

Saturday – by Appointment

(610) 393-9477
616 Center St.
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229

Contact Us

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Saturday - By Appointment

616 Center St.
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229

First Time Clients

Please call the office to schedule your first appointment.


Book an Appointment

For regular clients, please use the
BOOK NOW button to schedule your appointment

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