The Therapy Option

The Therapy Option specializes in myofascial release and St. John neuromuscular therapy, a pain management technique that is based on the physiological principles of ischemia (lack of blood in the tissues), trigger points, nerve compression/entrapment, postural distortion and biomechanics.  

Nancy M. Porambo

MS, LMT, PA Licensee #1

Nancy is a Certified Neuromuscular Therapist through the St. John Institute in Largo, Fl.

National Advisor to the American Medical Association (AMA).
Health Care Professional Advocacy Committee (HCPAC).

Nancy is Certified in Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Technique) from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies, Palm Beach, FL.

With a Masters degree in Clinical Health Psychology from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, she has worked in the field of chronic pain for over 35 years.

She is also a certified personal trainer, as well as an accomplished nationally known lecturer, teacher and counselor.

Nancy served as a past National President of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

She also served on the AMA’s CPT, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Workgroup as representative for the massage profession. 

She served on the PA Licensure Board for Massage Therapy.

Gina Fauzio

I am a licensed Esthetician in the state of Pennsylvania.  Skin care is my passion.  After practicing the craft of skin care for the past 6 years, I have acquired a sense for the needs of each client’s skin, and the results from general skin care.

My knowledge of products that produce results, techniques and education on skin health, and experience will make your facials unique.

The Therapy Option uses quality products like Circadia Skin Care and Repechage Skin Care products in all facial treatments. 

image of Gia Fauzio

fit for life

Healthy Options & You

Healthy Options & You offers a unique wellness program that offers a variety of nutritional, educational, exercise and wellness choices that, when combined, can lead to a more balanced lifestyle.

The foundation is a knowledge-based eating program individually tailored to maximize nutritional value that will leave you with more energy to move in a positive direction. 

We offer a variety of movement exercise and wellness opportunities that creates an overall healthy balanced lifestyle. How you choose to structure your lifestyle is the key to leading an energetic and fulfilling life.  WE have it, YOU craft it!

Contact Us

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Saturday - By Appointment

616 Center St.
Jim Thorpe, PA 18229

First Time Clients

Please call the office to schedule your first appointment.


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